Monday, August 13, 2007

what a weekend

WOW! I had a very full weekend! Both of knitting, and of other randomish things.

On Friday -hey, it's summer. might as well be the weekend! - I put together my yarn wall. Impetus being, of course, the fact that I haven't done anything further to finish moving in since the last parental visit in June. DH helped me put it together, then we cleaned like bunnies before he had to go to work.

Cool, no? It is actually supposed to be a closet organizer. This brand, Closet Maid is from Target, and was on sale. Can't beat that! I also found them today at Lowe's, in more color choices, but way more expensive - for the exact same thing! ALL of my yarn isn't in it. Just the overflow from the other storage baskets for now. DH said it "has room to grow". I like the sound of that.
The rest of Friday was spent working on clue 6 of the MS3, and watching Friday Night Smack-Down. Well, until parents show up.
Where is dear brother, Mark?
"Oh, he is coming up tomorrow with Mr. Yoder"
umm. ok. A little splaining: Paul (Mr.) Yoder is a year younger than me. It is hard to call him Mr. anything. He is also a diesel mechanic, and a firefighter. He is along to help Service the fire engine before setting off for PA in it.
"oh", I said. They are driving up in the morning? (odd, my parents wouldn't wait and come then, but whatever.)
"no. Yoder's dad is flying them up in his plane".
dude. I kid you not.
we then went and ate some late dinner.
after figuring out where the airplane might be landing in New Haven, and giving my parents directions to the airport, I thought DH and I would be called upon to see the firetruck. We got up earlier than one really should on a Saturday. we waited and waited. I knitted and knitted. Finally, parents call. They are finished with the test drive, and are headed to meet us at the theatre. Cool. we meet up, get breakfast, then head back. This is when I get to ride on the firetruck!

Jealous, aren't you?!
I didn't ride on the side, i only got my picture knitting on the side. I rode in the cab. But, my brother now not only owns a firetruck, but is in possession of a firetruck. The hardest part was finding insurance for it. My Dad could get it really easily, but a 19 year old is hard to insure. I wonder why an insurance company would not want to cover a 19 year old with a firetruck? hmm....
Well, after all that, I was tired. SO, I went home to knit. GUESS WHAT?!
This was waiting for me!

My SOckapalooza Socks!

The are made of Fleece Artist wool, and are the monkey pattern! I LOVE THEM! Also included was a cookie cutter of a buffalo, filled with chocolate, a vintage recreation card of downtown buffalo, and another chocolate treat that looks like buffalo wings! SO awesome! (oh, my pal is from Buffalo!) Thanks!
then after that, I...knit. Surprised? Me neither. I finished up one WLAE sock, and got a big chunk of MS3 finished.
After DH was finished with work, we went to see Rush Hour 3. another great "cerebral" movie. I highly recommend it!
As promised, I went to SnB. I finished up clue #6 on the MS3.

and then, when I got home, I worked on the Unmentionables.

The edging is not a fast project. I took this picture about a half hour into the process. 5 hours later, I still have 45 repeats left - on the FIRST LEG!. At least it's pretty!
Phew. What a weekend!


KnelleyBelley said...

What a weekend it was! I love, love, love your yarn wall and I want one! It looks like your very own yarn shop.

I can't believe the firetruck! And I can't imagine the cost of insurance for a 19 year old male driver of said firetruck. Ouch.

You've gotten lots of knitting done, and the Monkeys you received from your pal are really pretty. Love the Monkeys.

Sue, aka seiding said...

Oh, I am so going to steal your idea and make my own yarn wall! It's wonderful!

acambras said...

I don't speak German, but is UBERCOOL a word? How about UBERAWESOME? ;-)