Thursday, October 25, 2007

SotS 3

I have completed clue #3. I had to stay up way too late to make it happen, but I did it! Whoot!
Let's go to the pictures:

The whole she-bang.

This is just clue #3.
I must say, I am irritated with the weather. WTH! Why must it be grey every day that I try to take pictures of this project? Blech. One day, it will be sunny. One day I will get decent pictures of my SotS.
In other news, My computer is acting like I'm trying to run AutoCad on an AppleIIE. every time I hit enter in a dialog box on Ravelry or in Knitty it freezes, and the cursor freaks out. It also won't load some web sites. I don't know what the problem is. I'd call the computer tech guy at work, but he is a complete tool. He'd just be mad at me for all the "contra ban" I have on this thing. No music! No photo! No You Tube! I'm short, and angry about it! Stomp Stomp Stomp! This weekend DH and I are going to look at buying a new computer for the house. If, and when, that happens, no more of this crap!
Since 10 people have either e-mailed, asked on the blog, or asked on Ravelry for the Trouble pattern, I feel as though I should write it up. The writing part I can do. But, I am going to be seeking technical help regarding the posting of the pattern on the side bar of the blog. That, my friends, is too fancy dancy for me. way past my blog skillz. I will post about it here, when I have the sucker written, and then feel free to flood me with "retarded computer person" help.


anphoe said...

Your SotS is so pretty, Now I don't know if I should cast on that or the Mystic Waters... or I should finish knitting all the christmas gifts first?

SnB, I am coming soon!

KnelleyBelley said...

Gorgeous in any light.

Anonymous said...

This is the other color I would have gone with for my stole. Your's is just beautiful! Hint #4 is a bit easier and shorter. Have fun...