Holy crap on a cracker! Rhinebeck was AWESOME! I mean, people said it is awesome, but you know how it is. You have to see the awesomeness in person to truly appreciate it.
I cannot possibly do justice to the coolness of the day, and you will be just as exhausted as me if I write it all out, so we'll just skip to the good stuff.
1. yarn buying
2. people I went with and met
3. yarn buying
1. yarn buying
Rhinebeck, also known as the New York Sheep and Wool Festival, should really change it's name to "Barns and Barns of Yarn". Seriously.
As this was my First time at Rhinebeck (stop laughing Anne, I went with no plan. I brought money and a sense of adventure. I could have spent all my $ in the first building. I restrained myself. My goal was to buy some yarn, and not buy a spinning wheel. I know I would like it if I tried it, but I don't want to try. I really cannot take up another hobby right now. Maybe in a few years. The SnB ladies were saddled with the responsibility of making sure I stayed away from the wheels. They did a really good job. Want some Yarn Porn?
Here you go!
First off, the yarn I really wanted! Socks That Rock in Tanzenite!
More sock yarn! Aussi Sock in Amethyst!
Seaport yarn sold me some Merino Oro for my Mystery Secret Waters Shawl...
and...someplace...sold me this cool rustic spun wool, to the tune of real cheap.
2. the people I went with and met
The SnB ladies I rode with:
we look tired. We were. It was the end of a very long day.
we also enjoyed the food. yummy lamb burgers, french artichoke, fries....
Along with these 4 fine ladies, I also spotted 6 other members of SnB New Haven, a butt load of Knitty's, and a crap ton of Ravelry people. It was a little shocking to see so many people that know me or know of me. Some that knew me, and I didn't know them! Very cool.
Here is a short list. Please forgive me if you are not on the list. I, as a RHinebeck virgin, did not bring a note pad to write information on. Big mistake. I should have, as I cannot even remember the stands I bought stuff from.
Dude, and soooo many more. My brain is fried.
3. yarn buying.
we stopped by the book signing tent, saw some famous knitting people, and I realized I needed books. So I got these:
Yay Barbara Walker!
Did I stop there? Oh HELL NO!
I got this cone of black worsted wool:
and this awesome Syracuse colored sock yarn for my friend Corrine's socks:
and this black DK wool for contrast on some Fair Isle Hats I am doing:
and this silk cobweb weight yarn:
let's pause here. How many yards do you think are here? It is 100 grams. I'll tell you at the end.
Then, last but not least, I bought some soap.
5 bars of wonderfulness. AHH. soap.
then we piled back in the car, and drove home. Fun was most definantly had by all, and we WILL be going again next year.
I'm going back to bed now.
and to answer the question... 6000.
What a craptastic haul! (Sorry - after reading butt load and crap ton, I couldn't help it.) I don't think I realized just how much great stuff you bought. You'll probably have a bunch of new things started and/or finished by the next time I see you. What a blast we had!
Oh my God - cooknknit tried to convince me I needed to buy that silk. It was lovely!
It was great to meet you!!
I had a kick ass time with all of you! (Hey, it goes with crap) We are definitely doing another road trip when we can.
Wow! That's a lot of stuff! I was guessing around 3000 yards, but I was way off!
I love those books! I couldn't really find them anymore, and there weren't much places that sell them at a discounted price, even Amazon sells them full price!
I am jealous! what else can I say? I will definitelly go with you guys next trip.
Wahhhh, I can't seem to see any pics on your blog anymore!!! Anyway, I saw the words, and yep, wasn't it just the best time??? I couldn't believe how much fun it was!! We had *such* a great group of pals in the car!
Oh, and thanks for the use of your ball winder last night!!
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