Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Welcome to September

No back to school for me, but, instead, back to work. poo. I work all summer, but we really Gear up in the fall. Right now we are working on a brand new play, and it is hellish. rewrites, picky-ness, crabby director. blech. we all need naps.
I suppose nothing can be easy.
Do you remember when fall and "back to school" meant buying new clothes? I always got at least one outfit. I had to go through my closet and try stuff on. If it didn't fit anymore, it was handed down to my cousin. I wish I still got a back to school wardrobe. I always looked forward to wearing my new outfit on the first day, but rarely was it "cool" out. I always - or was always encouraged to -buy "fall clothes" so I was dressed too warmly for the first day. My school didn't have air conditioning, so, well you can imagine. Now, I love the summer and hate the cold. except when I want to wear my fall clothes. I'm impatient.
This September also is bringing about a new Socktopia Challenge. Our themes are all nursery rhymes!
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Eany Meeny Miny Moe
The Farmer in the Dell
Jack and Jill went up a hill…
Mary Mary, Quite Contrary
I picked my favorite - Mary, Mary Quite Contrary. I've always loved this rhyme. I have a very clear picture in my head of the drawing from a book. Somehow, I decided that the drawing was the outside of my Grandma's house. My Grandma was not a gardener. (at least not the kind of gardener that would grow a garden like in the rhyme) But, for some reason, it still reminds me of my Grandma, and I've picked it for my theme choice.
I decided to use my "maizy" yarn, and the "Embossed Leaves" pattern form IK Favorite Socks. I plan to give them to my Mom for her birthday.

Aren't they cute so far?


WifeMomKnitter said...

Very pretty!

Holly said...

I can completely relate to your new school clothes thoughts! Ahh... to go back. It's just finally beginning to cool here in Indianapolis (my a/c is going off tonight!), and I always look forward to the fall, when I can start wearing sweaters again. I also look forward to fall/winter cooking - stews, soups, and all that!

Love the sock, and I love the nursery rhyme theme!