Friday, June 01, 2007

New socktopia themes

It is June already!! Time is just flying by, and I'm no closer to landing. Actually, I seem to be ramping up in speed and altitude now. One week until the gala! One week until work calms the heck down, and I can just worry about moving. Speaking of which, I officially take possession of the new place at noon today! (eep!) I want to move an inaugural ---- load in tonight. I want to run the dishwasher and the washing machine! I want to grill on the balcony! Frankly, I want to pull a "bewitched" and be done with the process, but what are you going to do?

Tonight I want to get some real packing done, and start on my SOCKPAL's Socks. Speaking of which, I ave decided which June Socktopia theme to use - "Summer in the City"
the rest of the theme choices are:
"Here comes the Bride"
"The Equinox"
"Not another Tie!!"
"Orient Pearls fit for a Queen,
will I give thy love to wing
And a shell to keep them in" - John Fletcher, The Faithful Shepherdess

Last night I got the ribbing done on the hem of my Tomato Sweater. I just have sleeves to do! I have plenty of yarn, so I think I am going to make 3/4 sleeves./ Most of my shirts are 3/4 sleeves, and I think they suit me best anyway. Frankly, I probably will wear my tomato most in the fall and spring, and I get chilly easily.
Well folks, till Monday!

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