Monday, December 11, 2006

remember when we talked about joining things?

well, I did it again. Just call me Brittany.

This time it is "Socktopia" Socktopia is a year long KAL, dedicated to socks.

So far this year - without the push of a KAL- I have made 23 pairs of socks!
Let's update the list:
1. Dad's - woolease
2. dh's - regia
3. my regia
4. sara's - sockotta
5.carol's - sockotta
6. rebecca's - sockotta
7. denise's - sockotta
8. joy's - sockotta
9. leah's - sockotta
10. DH's SU socks - local handpaints
11. my Child's First Socks - KP essential
12. Mom's CFS - KPM13. my Multiringel's
14. my Mystery Socks - Viv's Lacey Socks in Wildfoote
15. Nate's Birthday socks - sockotta
16. Mystery Socks #2 - smocked socks - Gedifra Fashion Trend
17. Socktoberfest -CTH Elfine socks
18. My Ripple socks in Fable - I forgot these earlier. They should be around #5
19. Socktoberfest RPM's in regia
20. Jaywalkers in Trekking
21. Mom's Pedicure Socks in Red Heart Soft
22. DH's Friday Harbor Socks in Regia
*23. My Falling Leaves socks in Trekking Pro Natura - in progress*

I think my goal should be 24 pairs for the year. Pretty sweet! I don't know if I'll do that many next year in Socktopia, but we'll see. I have quite a few sweaters and lacey things I want to knit as well. Maybe I'll have less of a "Socktopia" than this year....

In knitting news, I have finished one of my Falling Leaves socks. I didn't get very far this weekend on #2. I was in NYC with my Mom on Saturday, and Christmas Shopping on Sunday. I wan't in the mood to knit on them on Sunday night. (! I know!) I worked on my "slingshot" instead. "what is that?", you ask. Why, it is a new pattern from Knitty!!! GO check it out! The new Knitty is up!

I found like 6 more things to add to my "to knit" list. The never ending list....

It's funny, but I keep putting off Casting on for the next big sweater of lace project. I want to wait and see if I get my new needle set for Christmas *hint*. I'd hate to be in the middle of a big project, get new needles, cast on something on them, then feel guilty about the old project. So, I keep working on Socks and other small projects. I'm going through shawl withdrawl.

Oh! I also cast on for DH's new scarf. I am using a pattern written from an old piece of textile - very archeologoical. The problem is tht I don't *really* know what I am doing. It is very complicated. I think I might need to make him a cabled scarf, and put this project away until I find out more about htis type of knitting. Man my brain hurt last night! It looks so simple, but it is all twisted and has instuctions like "pull the loop out long and knit the rest of the roww with the loop, turn the work and knit back to the loop, and pull the slack through." ummm. ok.....
Like I said. I need to do some research. It will probably be a "duh" moment after I see some examples from other people.

I just realised that I am pictureless. SO I leave you with a few pictures of past socks:


Michelle said...

That's a lot of socks! And the ones you posted pictures of are gorgeous.

anphoe said...

How did the "slingshot" go? I really want to see the actually finished project. I think that is a pretty cool idea. Anyway, hope to see you "soon". Oh by the way, I have finished a scarf for Red Scarf Project, and I am working on a second one. (pictures in my blog). When are you going to send them out?

costumechick said...

The last collection at SnB will be on January 18th for the scarves. But, you can always bring them before that.