Costumechick set off on a mission into the bowels of Ravelry to find a suitable rock star pattern to compliment her rock star yarn. She searched and searched, only to be disappointed in the level of rock star-dom of neck warmers. Finally she stumbled upon the coolest of cool; the rockingest of rocking; and the most pattern less of patterns. From it was born.... Rokchoke.

Pattern: Blakchoke by John Brinegar was my "muse"
Yarn: Heavy Metal Wool by "Little Barn Yarns"
Needles: 10.5 knitpicks harmony interchangeables
Notes: The original "pattern" isn't really a pattern at all. It is more of an explanation of an idea. I gave credit to the pattern because it was my inspiration. In all honesty, I fell in love with the closure and the asymmetry.

I felted the piece, like the original, but that is the end of the similarity in construction. Blakchoke was knit as a stockinette rectangle, then felted into a asymmetrical shape. I just knit up an asymmetrical shape to begin with. I added safety pins to clip my "dog clip" to, and to hold my "dog clip" on. What is more rock star than safety pins and dog clips?

I like to wear it folded down in a fashion I think of as "new wave" style, as opposed to the above picture that I took to show off the closure. (I think that makes it look like a neck brace.) The yarn was a little scratchy before I felted the piece, mostly due to the silver bits, but after felting, it is soooo soft. It still looks bad ass, but it is really cushy. Oh, and warm too!