Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Day Costumechick and DH entered the 1980's

DH and I are now as technologically advanced as the 1980's! We have cable! Can you hear the cherubs singing? Honestly though, we weren't unhappy with our rabbit ear situation, but we were unhappy with our pirated Internet situation. Maybe unhappy isn't the right word. We were pleased with the price (free) but less than pleased with the spotty connection service. We had no right to complain, as we were stealing it, but we did anyway. Which brings us to yesterday when the grouchy guy from Comcast showed up and installed our new-fangled cable box. Evidently, DH sat and flipped channels for hours yesterday. It is all a little overwhelming, and I am TERRIFIED of unprogramming the remote. I am used to like 7 channels, and we have like 200. I was a bit dumbfounded, but it was awesome to watch the Colbert Report on my couch, while knitting. I feel like a grown up.
How does this fit with Internet? Well, we found out that if you are already a cable customer, it costs next to nothing to have wireless Internet. SO, cable first, then Internet. I am still stealing my Internet for now, but soon...soon... we will be members of the 1990s.
We hope to move into the 2000's before they are over....


KnelleyBelley said...

Uh oh. Hope you don't become a cable TV addict like me. Know when to say when!

jennsquared said...

congrats on the TV. It is very nice and addicting. I had cheap cable at RPI for 7 bucks a month with 25 bucks for internet so I paid 32 plus fee a month... It was quite nice. Definitely not here though.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the 80's. The 90's is quite nice too.

What the cable guy didn't tell you is that now that you have 200 channels there will *STILL* be times when there is nothing good on TV!!!

Batty said...

Welcome to the 80's! Want some jelly bracelets and big plastic earrings?