Monday, September 08, 2008

Guess who cabled?

Me. That's who.

Aww. Cuteness. This pattern has just started to get complicated. You have to decrease at the NL with this fancy cable thing, keep track of armhole shaping, and keep two balls of alpaca from getting all twisted up. On top of that, the instructions are rather vague. It's not movie knitting.. let's just say that.
I should also publicly say, I was right! The cute skinny needles that I weren't sure were needles from my last post are, in fact, needles! 0000's! They are awesomeness in needle form. Again, thank you to my rockin' swap partner for the coolest needles EVER!
My knitting productivity has been way down - if you couldn't tell. This Burlap Overall project has been eating up all of my evenings and weekends. I am feeling wholly unproductive about the whole thing. The standard "knitter's cure" for this is to cast on a new project. hmm. I do need to work on a Socktopia project for September....
What to do, what to do......


KnelleyBelley said...

Cuteness! You're cute when you say cuteness.

Batty said...

I have several counters going for projects like that. It really helps my poor overworked brain keep track of it all.