All manner of crap, er... I mean, "treasures" are entered into the swap. What I find amazing is that one person's trash is an other's treasure. I decided to skip the random knickknack this year and make a swap item. When I saw the new Knitty, and the Fish Hat, I KNEW I had to enter it in the swap. It's just insane enough to be fought over!

Pattern: Fishy from Winter 08 Knitty
Yarn: Leftovers - Knitpicks WOTA, Rowan Magpie, and Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted
Needles: Knitpicks Options, size 7
Notes: Super Fast Knit! My parents were up visiting this last weekend, and I still got it finished. I started Thursday night, and finished on Sunday Night. It could be a one day project if you had a whole day to just sit and knit. Frankly, it took longer to deal with the eyes than it took to knit the hat!

I didn't modify the pattern at all, except to 3 needle bind off the tail instead of sewing it up. Oh, and I used buttons for eyes instead of felt. I Russian joined the whole thing so as not to have ends to deal with, since I am the laziest finisher EVER. (smarty smart)

I do hope that the staff members fight over this hat. It's fun to have a few things in the mix that are "interesting", yet also desirable. Oh, and early reactions by those who have seen it are very positive!

OMG! I think whoever gets this is lucky ... such a fun present! The "fish" is just hilarious.
It looks great on Denise!
Awesome! I love the colors you used, and I can't wait to hear how much it gets fought over!
I smell fish.
What a riot!
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