My height? No, can't be. I'm the same height as I was then, and 5'2", with size 6.5 shoes are not disproportionate.
My age? Once you reach 14, your feet should be at least size 7!
My bust size? Actually, that might be likely. I should have size 12 feet if we use that as a measure.
In recent years - like the last 5, I've noticed that "small" shoes - under size 7, are hard to find in "grown up"styles. Everything is for "tweens". Or they are ragingly expensive. Trust me, I have no trouble finding expensive shoes in my size. I theorize that this is so for two reasons.
1. As we generationally age, our bodies are getting larger. Average shoe size for women in the 1950's was 6 - 7. It is now 8-9. The older people with the "small" feet don't want inexpensive shoes. They want "well made" shoes. they are not the fashion whores that we young people are. Therefore shoe people are making less "adult" shoes in "small" sizes because there is less demand.
2. The shoe people hate me.
This is why I buy a pair of shoes I like when I see them for a decent, non heart attack inducing price. I never know when I will find another pair of black 3" heels again in my size. This might be the last year they make them! I'll be forced to buy patent leather flat with ribbon bows on the front for the rest of my life!! or, even worse, Old lady shoes!!!
Why all this blather about my feet? Well, dear readers, it's because I finished my 1st color work knee high. Take a look at this!

Is it just me, or do I have incredibly small feet?! Look at that! Now, if I had nice, average, size 8.5 feet, my sock would be another 1.5" long, and way less odd. Now, before ya'll get defensive about the sock, I realize it is a knee high, and knee highs should be "out of proportion" when compared to regular socks. But, shit! I do have small feet!
I used to get comments in Costume Design Class because I made my feet too small compared to the bodies. I think I have a legitimate excuse. Look at what I am used to!
On the plus side, the toe is really cute!