or starting a tablecloth for my Mom.
The Shawl pros:
- Portable! I need another portable project
- makes me caught up to the release of the pattens. I love feeling "on schedule"
- uses wool. easy on the hands, and I have the perfect colorway
- requires a chart, so it is not EMINENTLY portable, like a sock
- feeds into my weird need to always be "caught up" or "even". Do I need to reinforce this weirdness in myself?
- I have no intended use for this yet. It will most likely be a gift, but I don't need to get it done right now
- My mom specifically asked for one, so I know she will like it. It won't be wasted effort.
- there is a sense of accomplishment in finishing a tablecloth. It is a knitting bucket list item for me.
- it will be small for a while, filling the portable project gap for a little, then can become a stay home project after the sweater is complete.
- cotton yarn is tiresome to work with. But, this is true of starting this project at any time.
- i haven't really picked a pattern yet. The one i really WANT to do is in German. That seems like quite the undertaking. I have back up patterns, but am on the fence.
- when it is finished I'll need to build a frame to starch and block it. again, I'll have to do this whenever I make the cloth, I just feel like i should figure it out before I start, you know?